Individual & Family Clients 

November 1, 2016  – January 31, 2017 is the Health Insurance Open Enrollment.   This is the time to enroll or change your insurance plan.  Did you know there is no charge to work with an Agent?   All the carriers are making some changes to their plans and their provider networks.

I can assist you via several methods – by telephone, by inviting you to view my computer monitor remotely so we can look at insurance plans online simultaneously (but you are comfortable at home), and by an old fashioned face-to-face meeting.  There is no extra charge to work with me.

Existing Clients:  In October you will receive a letter or an email which says that your current individual or family plan will be changing after December 31st.  You are not losing coverage.  Your insurance company will slide you into a similar product.  This applies to Regence, Premera, and Group Health.  We can seize this opportunity and evaluate your options.  I will help you – at no charge.  Your choices include:

  • staying with the plan that you are offered
  • using a change form to move to a different plan with the same insurance carrier
  • changing to a different carrier – you can apply online through my web site, it is easy

New Clients: I help you evaluate your medical needs, preferred physicians, medications and budget to select the best insurance policy for you.  You can apply direct through my web site.  It is easy.  If you are low income then we can apply through the exchange for the subsidy and you can select me as your agent.  There is no extra change to use Ann Paris as your agent.

Next year provider networks are being narrowed. Physicians, Pharmacists, and Financial Advisers refer their clients with health challenges to me because of my years of experience  helping people with chronic illness.  Over the years I have served many clients who are HIV Positive, or live with Hep. C., Diabetes, Cancer Survivors, MS, Lupus, and mental illness such as Bipolar Disorder.  It costs nothing extra for you to work with me. Healthy people are welcome too!

My web site is ready for you to apply online to Regence Blue Shield, Group Health.  These are the premier carriers.  The links to apply are here.    I work with clients on the exchange and off the exchange.  If you qualify for Medicaid the healthplanfinder will route you there.  If you qualify for a subsidy from the exchange you can select me as your agent (at no extra cost to you).  Most of my clients purchase directly, using me as their agent.  You can apply through my web site or with a paper application.


The Paris Insurance Update ~ Thoughts on Insurance and Life

The Paris Insurance Update is a newsletter written and designed by me.  It features easy to read up-to-date information two to three times a month about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Insurance. Breaking news such as the Premera Blue Cross Cyber Attack and updates on Health Care Reform .  It is usually short, entertaining, and to the point.  Read the main article for 5 minutes twice a month and improve your knowledge of insurance.  Sign up HERE.

Insurance is expensive and confusing.  Let me be your guide in that complicated arena.  It costs nothing to work with an Independent Agent.   I know how high the stakes can be when you combine the trifecta of illness, a confusing legal contract, and your money.  I will go to the wall for you if I believe your rights have been violated.